Sunday, April 01, 2007

11 weeks to go...

Hi everyone,

So there's only 11 weeks left to go. I've been in the third trimester for a few weeks now, and up until the past few days I continued to feel great. The last few days though I've been pretty exhausted again, I feel a little like I did in the first trimester. I know its common to feel like that towards the end, but its a little too early for that now so I think it might just be that I've been too busy with school and work. Hopefully I get more energy soon!

Last week I had my doctor's appointment and everything is great. I don't know the results of my glucose test yet. After the next visit, I go to every other week. It's funny to think that Christopher would survive if he were born now, it makes it seem like he could come any day now or something!

The nursery furniture arrived at Babies R Us and some friends with a truck helped us get it this weekend. Chris set up the crib yesterday and the furniture looks great. When we set up the room I'll post some pictures of it.

Below are a few pictures from dinner at my family's house this weekend I thought I'd share. My nephew Jacob, Chris, and my sisters Trisha and Jenn all managed to avoid getting their picture taken...

me and Lorie

My brother-in-law Peter. We're due around the same time.

My nephew Zach

Mom & Sophia


Have a wonderful week,
love, Andrea


Anonymous said...

Love the pics, Peter is working on that guy!! Love, Dinga Trisha

Anonymous said...

It was great to see you and everyone else on Sunday. You continue to look great! Can't wait to see the nursery. Pictures, please! Love, Dinga Lorie (I'm on to you, Trisha...)

Anonymous said...

Andrea you're glowing - it's great to see the pictures of you and your family. I can't believe how big the baby has gotten! Hope all is well.

love Suzanne