Sunday, March 18, 2007

13 weeks to go...

Hi everyone,

I thought I'd post an updated belly picture, in which I'm wearing my old regular pajamas... I think they still fit ok, just a small shortage of material in the front :0)

I have a doctor's appointment not this week but next week, which is when I will get the glucose test done to determine if I have gestational diabetes. I guess its a long appointment, you have to take some stuff and then wait an hour or something like that.

According to a baby website I follow, Christopher should weigh about 2 pounds now and is about 14 1/2 inches long! That's pretty long. It also says he opens and closes his eyes, and sleeps & wakes at regular intervals. Unless he's moving around in his sleep, I think one of his "awake" times is at night before I go to bed. That's when I feel him the most. My mom actually was able to feel him last night, she's the only other person besides Chris to be able to. The timing has to be just right! To those of you who have been pregnant, did you feel your baby move all the time? I worry sometimes that I don't enough. I've been at the doctor's before while they were listening to him and could tell he was moving a lot, so he's fine, I just couldn't feel him. I only feel him move when I'm still for a while, like sitting in class or going to sleep. My boss' wife was saying she only felt her daughter move once or twice a day and she was very healthy.

Have a great week, and will talk with you soon.

love, Andrea


Anonymous said...

I've felt that chop move too!! time is going by very quickly, before you know it he'll be keeping you up all night:) Love, Dinga Trisha

Anonymous said...

OMG you look sooo cute I can't stand it. I hope you, Chris and the baby are doing well. Hope to talk to you soon. Much Love - Suzanne

Anonymous said...

Great picture! I am sure that little boy is very healthy and happy in there. I hope you are soaking up the sun in Florida and making the other beachgoers uncomfortable in your bikini :) Love, Dinga Lorie

Anonymous said...

i still can't get the memory of you in a bikini out of my head. you look good, christopher is gonna be great, i can't wait to meet him, but no more swimming dates till after delivery!!!! luv jenn