Thursday, January 18, 2007

18 1/2 Weeks along...

Hi everyone,

As you can see, we are getting the nursery ready for the baby, well, Chris is more the one getting it ready since I'm not allowed to do any painting right now. What we did was pick out a theme for the room, which is under the sea, and brought one of the pieces from it home so we could match the wall color to it. You can see the theme on their website if you want:

Its a nice color, I think the room will look great. What setting up this room will entail is switching around out other rooms, so while Chris is up to it, he's going to paint our new bedroom also.

I had a doctor's visit the day before yesterday which wasn't anything special, just a check in and everything seems normal and healthy she said. My average weight gain for the 2nd trimester has been 1.5 pounds per week, which is right on target as they say I should gain 1-2 pounds per week from now on.

One last update, I felt Christopher fluttering around for the first time a few nights ago! It was very cute. It took a couple of times for me to realize what it was, now I can recognize it easily. I have almost always noticed it only at night, its just a gentle flutter very low in my adbomen which is always neat to feel.

I hope everyone has a great week!



Anonymous said...

Love it!! Chris is doing a great job so don't criticize...kudos on painting your bedroom too. Looks great!Trisha

P.S. How many weeks are you this week..I know it's posted but is this the "real date?!"

Anonymous said...

Love the colors - it's going to be such a nice room for your baby boy :)

Hope all is well with you guys
love Suzanne

Unknown said...

The room looks great so far - such a soothing color. Aww, his name is Christopher :-)