Monday, November 12, 2007

Weekend in Philadelphia...

Last weekend, Chris and I went to a friend's wedding in Philadelphia. Lorie came along to be the nanny for the weekend and spend time with Christopher. I think he found the Liberty Bell boring.

The statute of Rocky really is at the Philadelphia Museum of Art!

Walking around downtown Philly getting some cheese steaks.

The weekend went great, Christopher had a great time hanging out with Lorie and she really cracks him up. Today he is 5 months old already, but if you count by weeks he's 5 1/2 months. So in a few weeks we'll be starting to introduce some solid food. He really watches us eat now, I think he's getting ready for them.

This weekend during a break from the drive, we ate at a diner and I was nursing Christopher there. I think I'm officially over my fear of nursing in public because a waitress actually came over with an opened-up paper napkin while I was nursing him and covered his face with it. I didn't get upset or embarassed though, I just took it off because he won't eat with anything covering him and just went on feeding him. Other than really ignorant instances like that, for the most part people are pretty mature about feeding your baby when you're out. Nobody looks at us from what I can tell. I think its just seen as weird because you don't see many women doing it in public (maybe because people try and cover you up with napkins!).

Hope you're having a nice holiday.



Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed him this past weekend. I love that he is starting to laugh and interact more! Plus he thinks I'm funny which is pretty awesome.
Love, Dinga Lorie :)

Ghan Family said...

O thank HEAVENS you are a calm person . . . someone else might have all out smacked the waitress for that one LoL :D Cute blog - just wanted to say hi!!!! Your DS is sooo adorable (and I'm loving the bG!!)

Anonymous said...

Oooooh I got so mad reading that about the waitress and the napkin. She had some nerve! It's a good thing that never happened to me; it probably would have gotten ugly.

And hooray for feeling more comfortable nursing in public!!! I'm so glad to hear the nursing is still going well. Keep it up!

Quinn's Aunt Kristin