Saturday, August 18, 2007

Christopher enjoying his nightly bath... I got a new tub because the one I had from Fisher Price was a real nightmare for the infant stage. You may have seen it around, its a very cute tub - it has this hammock with colorful fish on it. The hammock stage was great, but then when it was time for him to recline that tub just wasn't designed right. The seat was really shallow, so he slid down all the time and the seat was also positioned so high that even with the tub full, only his heels would touch the water! Anyhow, he likes this tub and if I put it over the sink like its designed for, it reclines a couple inches further and he's very comfy.

"Daddy, WHAT is that machine you're shooting at me?!"


Anonymous said...

Look at that belly! You are feeding him VERY well! Looking forward to seeing you and Christopher (and Chris) on Sunday. Love, Dinga Lorie

GoQuinnGo! said...

...and the chin(s) and the cheeks, and the folds in the wrists. You're doing a great job. Keep it up!

Quinn's Aunt Kristin