Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Hi everyone,

As you can see from the photo above, we've had our first ultra sound and heard the heartbeat too. It was quite the experience to see the baby with my own eyes and to hear the heart beating - it was just a beautiful thing. In the photos, the baby is upside down. You can see the arms on the sides pretty easily.

So I've talked about this with a few family members and they feel the same way - we all think this is a girl. I have a strong feeling that it is. I'm not sure how soon we find out, I hope soon. I'm at 10 weeks now, and I think its at 16 weeks that we can know the sex. I can't wait to find out!

Next week I have to start a series of bloodwork/ultra sounds to test for birth defects. I think the first couple tests are for spina bifida and Down's syndrome. I believe that is all they test for in the first trimester.

My first visit with the ob/gyn went well last week. She is very laid back. A little too much if I had to say, she was late for our appointment but I guess she drives from Providence to the office closer to my house. She's very young, I liked her. I suppose it was good that she was so laid back because I was throwing a hundred questions to her about everything, including whether Lean Cuisine meals are ok for the baby, and she was patient and nice about everything. (oh and the answer to that question is those frozen meals aren't good for anybody, but it won't hurt the baby).

Other than that, nothing much new. I've gained a few pounds but my regular clothes fit perfectly fine. I'm feeling fine most days, days when I am really exhausted is rare now which is great.

I'll post any new developments!


1 comment:

Lorie said...

Yay!! I am very excited for Baby Lavigne. And I think it's a girl too. You and Chris are going to make wonderful parents. She is going to be well-loved!