I thought I'd upload a few pictures of Chris as a baby so we can make a good guess at what the baby will look like. For those who don't know, we're naming him after Chris - except I'd like to call him Christopher to avoid confusion! That said, Christopher is kicking around in there, I usually feel him the most before I fall asleep and when I'm sitting for a while in class or doing work.
I have been so busy with school this semester that I have a feeling the next four months will fly by. I have been feeling great, I am really enjoying the second trimester. Someone asked me today if the baby had a growth spurt recently, because I look significantly bigger than last week. I think it was just the top I was wearing, though I must say my belly has been itching like crazy today. I hear that can happen as the skin stretches, so maybe there is a growth spurt happening!
Chris isn't home so he can't take a picture of my belly this week, will try to post one soon. Hope you're all doing great and will talk with you soon.
Wow, that is a serious 'fro! You have any heartburn? I heard that happens when the kid has a big head of hair...We need a belly shot soon, please :)
awwww, he is adorable, you were a very cute baby too, a little bit like elvis, but cute. jenn
Dinga Trisha is very impressed by the retro do!!! Chris is very cute in those photos and lorie...dinga lorie sounds ridiculous..get over it!!!! As for heartburn, I had it like crazy for cam but we all remember what he looked like when he was born...ummmmmm....anyway, things seem to be progressing well. TTYL. Trisha
I love the pics you put up on the blog of big Chris lol. Little Christopher is going to be so cute! Are you going to let baby Christopher grow the same hairdo? Love it :)
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